Erin Christian
What does a week day morning look like? Any tips to make it easier?
"A week day morning around here is BUSY! Darren and I start getting ready at 7am and I have the kids up by 7:30. Honestly, I've learned the more you plan ahead, the easier the morning goes. Breakfast casseroles are popular around here because you throw it together the night before and they last a few days. Other things we do the night before is set out school clothes, make lunches, and have backpacks all ready to go! Baths are done at night too which helps tremendously with time. After I wake the kids up, it's getting them dressed, fed, and out the door! We walk Cohen to school at 8:20 and head out the door for Kip's school at 8:45."
When was the last time you treated yourself? What did you do?
"The last time I treated myself (besides the almost daily Starbucks weakness!) I got an hour massage done about a month ago. It was heaven!! Darren and I also treat ourselves to "girls nights"/"man nights" with our friends pretty regularly. It rejuvenates you so much getting that girl time and guy time! We are pretty good about penciling that into our schedules every 6-8 weeks."
Thanksgiving is coming, how do you teach your children to be grateful?
"With Thanksgiving coming, we have found that the way to teach our children to be grateful is by opening up their eyes to see the needs of others. Whether it be praying for specific people and their needs, or filling food donation bags at church, or going through our own things and donating what we can. When we get our kids involved in giving, they realize more and more all that we have been truly blessed with."
Can you share any of the funniest things your child has said or done?
"I could literally write a book on things our oldest child has said. The funniest thing that comes to mind right now happened over the summer... We were at the bank drive through and I asked the teller if she could send out suckers with our receipt. She asked how many we needed and after I said, "three please" I heard Cohen right behind me roll down his window down and say, "she means ten! I'm really sorry but she's not very good at counting us."
Since having a family do you find yourself in situations you never thought you would be apart of?
"We are SO far gone from listening to new/popular music! We have kid CDs on repeat in the car and I have no clue what's on the radio anymore! I always thought I'd make my kids listen to country music in the car -hah ha! When a children's cd makes for a happy car ride, you do what you've gotta do."
What do you wish you could have told yourself when you were pregnant?
"I probably would've told myself to sit in silence for nine months straight because it'll be years before you can experience that again! Hah ha!"
Please finish this sentence: It's okay to ........................……
"Let others help. I really struggled with our firstborn... The newness of motherhood, the huge change of daily life! I thought I could do it on my own but it was so tough and I was too proud to ask for help. I feel like because of that, I didn't enjoy that first year of motherhood to its fullest. Friends and family LOVE to help where they can... They love being able to provide meals, or hold a baby for a couple hours. I wish I would've embraced them and their offers and let them help me lighten my load and let me experience a little more joy at that point in my life."
The kids are asleep! What happens now? A glass of wine? Reach for a good book? Clean? Time with your partner?
"The first thing I do is make sure my kitchen counters are cleaned off and the dishes are out of the sink! I then can truly enjoy the big glass of wine I've poured and sit infront of the fire with husband"
What is your go to snack when your kids need food 'Right NOW!'?
"My go-to snack are the kid Cliff bars! I saw them on a list of the top nutritious packaged snacks in a parents magazine, haha! I thought I'd give them a try and my kids LOVE them! We always have them on hand."